Saturday 22 January 2011

Weight loss so far

I have been going to the gym since November the 20-something of 2010. I have been going pretty much everyday. I have been pushing myself till the sweat is literally pouring off me, like proper running down your back getting in your eyes having to mop up your face every few seconds, only to then give it 20 minutes in the pool. I have been working my butt off.

Guess how much I have lost..... go on have a guess..... NOTHING! BIG FAT 0!!!! GRRR! my friend who I am dieting with (race to lose a stone) has lost 5lbs already, and she works more than me, so couldn't have had the time to be doing as much excersise as me.....could she? don't get me wrong I am glad for Stacey, she must have worked really hard to lose that weight... but why have I not lost any......?

My mum tried telling me that maybe I'm not eating enough... like putting more calories into my body could help me lose weight. no, what it comes down to is, doing an hour on a cross trainer does not warrent a twix! and a huge pile of any food (healthy or otherwise) on my rather large plate does not count as 1 portion of food. I might aswell double what ever calouries I have previously thought I am consuming.

from now on. I am doing this properly. I will win. a new pair of jeans are at stake!

1 comment:

  1. I used to work for Curves, a gym for women, we found that the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn just by existing, that's why guys lose weight so much easier than us gals, they have more muscle vs fat than women. I'm not saying you need to pump yourself up to Arnold S status, just work on building a little more muscle, and your workouts should be more effective.

