Saturday 22 January 2011

Weight loss so far

I have been going to the gym since November the 20-something of 2010. I have been going pretty much everyday. I have been pushing myself till the sweat is literally pouring off me, like proper running down your back getting in your eyes having to mop up your face every few seconds, only to then give it 20 minutes in the pool. I have been working my butt off.

Guess how much I have lost..... go on have a guess..... NOTHING! BIG FAT 0!!!! GRRR! my friend who I am dieting with (race to lose a stone) has lost 5lbs already, and she works more than me, so couldn't have had the time to be doing as much excersise as me.....could she? don't get me wrong I am glad for Stacey, she must have worked really hard to lose that weight... but why have I not lost any......?

My mum tried telling me that maybe I'm not eating enough... like putting more calories into my body could help me lose weight. no, what it comes down to is, doing an hour on a cross trainer does not warrent a twix! and a huge pile of any food (healthy or otherwise) on my rather large plate does not count as 1 portion of food. I might aswell double what ever calouries I have previously thought I am consuming.

from now on. I am doing this properly. I will win. a new pair of jeans are at stake!

Job Interview

I went to the job Interview, all smart shirt and clean boots. funny, I didn't realise the job interview was made up of stages, that lasted a few days and started with a group interview.

I was horrified. I looked at the other candidates whom were all confident and chatty and normal in a youth worker sense (which is art teacher, strange and colourful aunty kind of normal. I still didn't know why I was applying for the job. I knew I wanted it, but I knew I would also feel like I was out of my depth and terrified if I got it.

Beleive it or not, I made it through the group ordeal and they wanted me back the next day at 9.30 for a further 2 interviews. My stomach flipped "2 MORE INTERVIEWS!" I spluttered at my shopping buddy. I didn't know what was worse not getting a call back or the realisation that I would have to have not 1 but 2 possibly traumatic disaster interviews. That wasn't even the worse part of my problem I had worn my only interview worthy clothes for this interview, I HAD NOTHING TO WEAR!

Me and IZ soon got back to shopping and me constantly droneing "what am I doing" "I cant do this" "they'll never employ me anyway" "maybe I accidently ticked the box that makes them interview me by law according to the anti discriminatory policy" and IZ trying to calm me down by saying "it's ok, you'll do really well" "you'll be great" etc. I finally found a grey and black pin stripe shirt on a sale rail and a beautiful 1940's style pill box fascinator with net veil type thing (yes I was going to wear this at the interview , thankfully I couldn't find it in the morning).

the morning comes at 6am, I get ready, I considered wearing make up, then compramised on just mascara. I have breakfast, I grab my prepared bag, and got myself to the town bus station. I waited...... I waited..... my bus didn't f***ing show up!!!!! I rang my Mum who was doing the school run and was not best pleased, I called my Nan who suggested ku chu ray-ing the situation (visualising/ meditating on a reiki symbol) don't laugh, after doing this for a minute or so my Mum called back minus the hump and offered to give me a lift.

I finally arrived in one piece and I did the 2 interviews without tripping over my own words or crying or sweating profusly and creating nasty sweat patches or mentioning my ku chu ray-ing the days events and meditating between interviews. I SURVIVED! not only did I survive, but I even got invited to the final stage of the interviewing process. I may well be ku chu ray-ing that and'all.

Sunday 16 January 2011

Another year Another attempt at:

It's the begining of the year (kind of, I only just started recovering from new years eve) and I am all full of renewed enthusiasm for the idealistic view i have in my head of how my life should look. I should go to the gym, I should have a balanced work/ life ratio, I should eat healthy, I should find time to meditate and do my yoga, I should find more time to be creative, I should keep a diary, I should sort out my finances, I should learn to drive, I should go travelling, I should, I should and so on and so on.

Usually I would stare at this list, similar to the one I made last year but longer with the added expectations I have decided to inflict on myself the year just gone and soon come to the realisation that it probably wont happen. This year I gave myself a head start.

In september I QUIT SMOKING!! In october I cut down my drinking significantly, in november I joined the gym and have been going nearly everyday since, throughout december I have been setting time aside to do the things I enjoy doing which has mostly been painting and reading and I even got in some short periods of meditation.

now this month I am going to concentrate on a strategy to cut down my speanding and get out of debt. I have already been applying for better jobs and I had an interview for a job this week, I actually really want (I am not even sure if it pays well, I just really like the idea of the job, I think I'll really enjoy it)